...moto no sekai e ... kaeritai...
Kaos Theorem
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June 13, 2004

nyaa~~~~ too busy~~~~ 2/3 weeks of non-blogging~~~ gomen minna~~~ *bows* *bows* i'm also short for time, so i'll just make a review of these past 2 weeks, in no particular order (not that much happened~~)

1- got my driving licence
2- went to XY's MCC BBQ party (which was a bomb! nuff said)
3- did a repeat test for all subjects (failed miserably :P)
4- did a repeat for the maths repeat test :P
5- went to see HP3 with my honey ;)
6- receive the car keys for MY yellow volkswagen (finally!!!)
7- made a Rogue in RO :P

see? i told u not much happened~~ by the way, i have a quite.... funny story for 4. i came home last friday to find out my whole family is at Langkawi, so i called and bugged them that i'll need MY car to get around. so my father called his office and got the guy who was keeping it to return it. it came late saturday evening. *bah*

since i'm not adept at driving at night (yet) i decided to check out the car tomorrow (which is today). this afternoon when my tummy started doing the train train song from taiko, i decided to drive to McD or somewhere of the sort. went outside. put the car keys in the key slot. and that's when it happened.

the bloody fucking door won't open. --;;;;;;;

i tried everything short of breaking the glass, and it still won't open. *bah* now i have a hungry tummy, blistered fingers, bruised fist, and a newly updated blog. that's one silver lining. =_=

oh yeah, an aside from the dirtbag that is my life : it seems almost all of the licenced anime torrent-bearing websites were forced to bring them down. damn. and they're still not up! i hope this won't affect tenjo tenge and daphne~~~ T_T

well, that's all 4 now. and since my midsemester's in 2 weeks time (and what's most frightening is we still haven't finished the syllabus yet!), this'll probably my only entry this month. tune in next month for more, life a teenage dirtbag! XD XD it's me, signing off. over =_=

shoji is a guy, born on 15 feb, who's from shah alam, selangor, malaysia but is now studying at tottori, japan. he likes watching anime, reading manga, listening to music and drawing. he also likes to cosplay and play magic: the gathering. wierd guy, huh >_>



. xy
. gan
. yuhi
. kiyaa
. wuffie
. tenzan
. kaede
. masa
. fiona
. sets
. max
. tuna
. bunny
. kitsune
. labrynth
. shinnoir
. kidkid
. fenix
. teho
. dmj