...moto no sekai e ... kaeritai...
Kaos Theorem
1024x768 | firefox 1.1 | RSS | CLAMP(C) owns kurogane yo

March 18, 2005

the dinosaur revives! *GUAH* and be careful not to trip on any fossils lying around too. XD okay, enough messing around. like most of you know, i'm going to Japan this Sunday (KLIA, Terminal C, boarding at 9pm, be there) So in celebaration of me finally getting there, i decided to revamp my blog. i changed the background image so it doesn't mesh with the words.i also tweaked the blog's code a bit because i was told my old code was designed for IE, and i've converted to Firefox. so, what do ya think? (oh yeah, i also made a comment option available beneath each post to replace my now dead chatterbox, so do tell me what you think, ne)

since i called this a revival more than an update for the blog, i won't go into what happened the last 3 months i abandoned the blog. in a nutshell, i passed my exams, i went to a few outings and i decided to cosplay Kurogane [Tsubasa RC] and Kaien Shiba [Bleach] for CF 2005, that is, if i make it to CF la. *prays CF is held during his winter holidays* oh, and since we're on the topic, here are my cosplay siggies. i made the kurogane one (along with the other Tsubasa group's siggies) while sets made the kaien shiba one. enjoy:

moving on. as i mentioned earlier, i'm bound to Japan this Sunday, to further my studies in Civil Engineering at Tottori Daigaku. if you're wondering where the hell Tottori is, it is a city near Hiroshima and Osaka (near as in 5 hours drive ><) if ur still blur, go google it. *heh* anyways, in preperation for my 4 years of living there, i went on a shopping these past 2 weeks. things worth mentiong:
  1. a 200 gig external drive! (for my anime-downloading needs >< )
  2. a digital camera! (for me to take piccies of course. and it's red XD)
  3. a notebook rucksack! (dont ask me what a rucksack is, it says so on the tag. so there XP)
  4. 2 pairs of shoes (my father's treat. yay)
this is also going to be my last time online in malaysia before i go to Japan, because tomorrow my mom is banning me from my computer. "it's too close to your flight, you need to concentrate, blabitibla~ blabitibla~". parents... >.>

well, i guess that is all for now. stay tuned cause in a few weeks time this blog will brought to you live from the god-forsaken land that is Tottori, and i promise there will be piccies. PROMISE. Oh, not forgetting, i hereby declare this dinosau... i mean, blog, revived! this is shoji, signing off. over ;)

2 memories remembered

@ Yosh, safe trip man! ^^/
.....++ remembered by Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:41 AM, March 19, 2005 [ ]

@ i prefer a flooble or a chatbox @w@;; ah well. take care nyaa! XD
.....++ remembered by Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:47 PM, March 20, 2005 [ ]

# find a feather | 23:32 | kaos theorem #

shoji is a guy, born on 15 feb, who's from shah alam, selangor, malaysia but is now studying at tottori, japan. he likes watching anime, reading manga, listening to music and drawing. he also likes to cosplay and play magic: the gathering. wierd guy, huh >_>



. xy
. gan
. yuhi
. kiyaa
. wuffie
. tenzan
. kaede
. masa
. fiona
. sets
. max
. tuna
. bunny
. kitsune
. labrynth
. shinnoir
. kidkid
. fenix
. teho
. dmj